대화의 광장


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미 기상청? 참 미련하다고 생각함! 뭐여!!
글쓴이 : dkp 날짜 : 2012-10-31 (수) 14:03 조회 : 1324
어제 밤에 오른 쪽 볼거리 달(달이 우릴 쳐다 본다면 달로서는 왼 쪽)에 달에 왼쪽 볼따귀에 살이 올라 오늘이 음력 보름날인 걸 모른다.

'지지지"를 모르는 것 같다. '시서지'(syzygy).
음력 한달은 29일 12시간 4분 3±초.

이 시간 간격이란 태양과 지구, 그리고 지구의 국방장관격인 달, 이 세개의 별이 일직선 상에 매 달마다 돌아오는 순환시간. 

이 세개의 천체가 일직선 상에 있을 때를 합(合. Conjuction), 또는 충(衝. Opposition)이라 함.

어제는 보름달로 최극성기에 이르는 전야 망(望). 
미국이 하늘을 올려다 보았을 때 태양과 지구를 잇는 선분과 미국이 달을 쳐다보는 각도가 45도.

즉, 태양과 달이 지구에 미치는 인력으로 인한 힘빠진 미국땅 동해안 공백에 조화를 주려고 돌풍이 일어난 것. 

미국 기상청은 오직 고도 100 km이하의 수평적 측량만 하지 성층권을 넘어서 지구에 미치는 인력과 원심력의 부조리에서 위기가 발생할 때 대자연의 물리적 보완현상을 간과하기에, 천문 자장엔 관심을 끈 것 같다고 느낀다는 말씀.

저는 샌디가 광란의 라프소디 춤을 추지 않았더라면 더 큰 천재지변이 온다고 여김.

흔히 우리는 지진에 대해 말하지만 이 생기는 원인은 약한 지면, 지반에 무게를 실어줌으로써 이런 지진으로 인하여 이 지구중력이 안전하게 펼쳐지도록 지구표면을 평면화해주는 까닭. 

이유는 지구는 회전하기에 짱구되는 것과 토목공사-고층 빌딩 여드름 나는 것, 거대한 땜을 쌓는 걸 싫어하여 지진으로 털어버림. 결코 아틀라스 발저림이 아님. 이 건 이렇다 하고~~

미국이 성층권 이하 대충 표고 100 km 아래에서 아프리카 사하라 사반나[초원] 가뭄(Sahelian drought) 때, 역시 서아프리카 가믐 때 수평적으로 1970년대, 발생한 저기압 열풍 캠신(Khamsin)이 대서양 건너 미국 동해안까지 영향을 미쳐 1980년대에 미국에 Gloria, Bob, Hugo, Andrew 허리케인이 닥친 걸 경험했잖는가. 

그런 반면에 수직적으로 천체운행을 소홀히 하는 이유를 알고 싶다.

일식 때에도 100폭x수백마일 길이 그림자(umbra)가 시속 5,600마일로 이동하며 지구 기온을 떨구어 1991년 7월 11일에 캘리포니아 Baja 지구 기온을 90 ℉를 74 ℉로 냉각. 

이 번 경우에 미국에 그믐달(음력 초하루 朔)이 었거나 지구 중심과 달의 중심을 잇는 선분과 미동부지역이 직각방향에 놓였섰더라면 썰물(干潮)로 무사히 넘어갔겠지만, 휘 영청 밝은 달(望)에 밀물에 놓여 있섰다고 간주함.

이 제 말은 남대서양, 적도에 북회-남회귀선 cyclone 없는 hurricane-free zone이기 땀시 지구가 비툴어지게 자전한다는 증거. 이 것이 이 글의 전제조건.

농부를 위한 Pietro Crecen이 지은 일년 12달 서양 농가월령가(Opus Ruralium Commodorum)에서 10월-11월에 농부가 해야할 것은 하늘을 쳐다보라고 그림까지 그려져 있음. 이 만큼 천문을 중요시한 것 같읍니다.

┏허리케인의 위력은 밀리온의 밀리온 왓트, 100 billion watt┛p. 106

1831년 400파운드 납덩어리를 500야드 멀리 밀어붙였고, 루이지아나 Derniere선 해안선을 네 갈래로 찢어 오족어[오징어]를 만들었다지요. 

허리케인 Andrew에 의해 Florida Power & Light Co.는 1,900개소 고압선 파손, 850만피트 전선을 교체해야 함, 18,700개 전봇대 쓰러짐, 16,800개 스윗치 망가짐, 140만 가구 단전. 

그리고 Turkey Point 원전 옆에 위치한 석탄화력 발전소 100피트 굴뚝이 넘어졌음. 

그 일본의 카미카제 태풍을 보세요! 언제 발생하는지를 비교해볼가요!

일본 신풍-고토바 카미카제(Go-Toba kamikaze) 태풍(typhoon).
동지부 터 105일 째, 춘분에서 15일 때, 양력 4월 5-6일 경.
태풍의 눈이 지구자전 각도보다 5도 비틀어진 습한 열기(濕熱)

1992년 11월. 태풍 게이(frontogenesis Gay);강도 F⁴북진하여 알류산 열도를 거쳐 알라스카, 브리티쉬 컬럼비아, 캘리포니아로, ..낭후의 파문은 텍사스까지.

일본열도에 태풍이 매년 25회. 평균 16회 태풍. Fujita 강도 F¹~F³.
흔히 6~7월에 '매우수', 40~60년 주기 지진해일(tsunami).
^-^ dkp

써니 2012-11-26 (월) 08:22

In astronomy, a syzygy (play /ˈsɪzɨi/) is a straight line configuration of three celestial bodies in a gravitational system.[1] The word is often used in reference to the Sun, the Earthand either the Moon or a planet, where the latter is in conjunction or oppositionSolar and lunar eclipses occur at times of syzygy, as do transits and occultations. The term is often applied when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction (new moon) or opposition (full moon).[2]

The word syzygy is often loosely used to describe interesting configurations of planets in general. For example, one such case occurred on March 21, 1894 at around 23:00 GMT, when Mercury transited the Sun as seen from Venus, and Mercury and Venus both simultaneously transited the Sun as seen from Saturn. It is also used to describe situations when all the planets are on the same side of the Sun although they are not necessarily in a straight line, such as on March 10, 1982.[3]

The word comes from the Ancient Greek syzygos (σύζυγος) meaning, “yoked together”.[4]


The gravitational effects of syzygies on planets, especially the Earth, are still being studied. It is known that the gravitational stress on the Moon during a Sun-Earth-Moon syzygy can trigger a Moonquake, a seismic event on the Moon similar in some ways to an Earthquake. Some scientists state there is evidence that under certain conditions, earthquakes may also be triggered by a syzygy; others say such evidence is scanty and unconvincing.[5][6]

There is no controversy about the effect of a syzygy on ocean tides. The syzygy produces the more powerful spring tide due to the enhanced gravitational effect of the Sun added to the Moon's gravitational pull.[7]

써니 2012-11-26 (월) 08:27
syzygy 미국·영국 [sízədƷi] play 단어장추가

[명사] (천문) 삭망(朔望)


써니 2012-11-26 (월) 08:28

conjunction occurs when two astronomical objects have either the same right ascension or the same ecliptical longitude, normally when observed from the Earth.[1][2] In the case of two objects that always appear close to the ecliptic – such as two planets, or the Moon and a planet, or the Sun and a planet – this implies an apparent close approach between the objects as seen on the sky. In contrast, the term appulse is defined as the minimum apparent separation on the sky of two astronomical bodies.[3]

Conjunctions therefore involve two Solar System bodies, or one Solar System body and one more distant object such as a star. A conjunction is an apparent phenomenon caused by perspective only: there is no close physical approach in space between the two objects involved. Conjunctions between two bright objects close to the ecliptic, such as two bright planets, can be easily seen with the naked eye and can attract some public interest.

The astronomical symbol of conjunction is ☌ (in Unicode x260c) and handwritten: Astronomical conjunction symbol.png. However, this symbol is never used in modern astronomy and is of historical interest only.

Passing close

In the morning of 1 May 2011, about an hour before sunrise, five of our Solar System’s eight planets and the Moon could be seen from Paranal.[4]

More generally, in the particular case of two planets, it means that they merely have the same right ascension (and hence the same hour angle). This is called conjunction in right ascension. However, there is also the term conjunction in ecliptical longitude. At such conjunction both objects have the same ecliptical longitude. Conjunction in right ascension and conjunction in ecliptical longitude do not normally take place at the same time, but in most cases nearly at the same time. However, at triple conjunctions, it is possible that a conjunction only in right ascension (or ecliptical length) occur. At the time of conjunction – it does not matter if in right ascension or in ecliptical longitude – the involved planets are close together upon the celestial sphere. In the vast majority of such cases, one of the planets will appear to pass north or south of the other.

Position of the observer

A conjunction, as a phenomenon of perspective, is an event that involves two astronomical bodies seen by an observer on the Earth. Times and details depend only very slightly on the observer's location on the Earth's surface, with the differences being greatest for conjunctions involving the Moon because of its relative closeness, but even for the Moon the time of a conjunction never differs by more than a few hours.

[edit]Superior and inferior

As seen from a planet that is superior, if an inferior planet is on the opposite side of the Sun, it is in superior conjunction with the Sun. An inferior conjunction occurs when the two planets lie in a line on the same side of the Sun. In an inferior conjunction, the superior planet is "in opposition" to the Sun as seen from the inferior planet.

Positional astronomy.svg

The terms "inferior conjunction" and "superior conjunction" are used in particular for the planets Mercuryand Venus, which are inferior planets as seen from the Earth. However, this definition can be applied to any pair of planets, as seen from the one farther from the Sun.

A planet (or asteroid or comet) is simply said to be in conjunction, when it is in conjunction with the Sun, as seen from the Earth. The Moon is in conjunction with the Sun at New Moon.

"Quasiconjunctions" are also possible. In these situations, a planet in retrograde motion – always eitherMercury or Venus, from the point of view of the Earth – will "drop back" in right ascension until it almost allows another planet to overtake it, but then the former planet will resume its forward motion and thereafter appear to draw away from it again. This will occur in the morning sky, before dawn. Else the reverse may happen in the evening sky after dusk, with Mercury or Venus entering retrograde motion just as it is about to overtake another planet (often Mercury and Venus are both of the planets involved, and when this situation arises they may remain in very close visual proximity for several days or even longer). The quasiconjunction is reckoned as occurring at the time the distance in right ascension between the two planets is smallest, even though, when declination is taken into account, they may appear closer together shortly before or after this.

써니 2012-11-26 (월) 08:32

성층권(成層圈, stratosphere)은 지구 대기권의 한 부분으로 위쪽으로 올라갈수록 따뜻해지고, 지표면에 가까워질수록 온도가 내려가는 특성을 지니고 있다. 이 현상은 지표면에 가까울수록 온도가 상승하는 대류권과 정반대이다. 성층권은 지표에서 10km에서 50km 사이에 위치하며, 9–12km 고도를 유지하는 민항기들이 다니는 길이기도 하다.

또한 성층권의 최상부에는 오존층(O3)이 존재하여 태양에서 나오는 유해 자외선을 흡수하여, 산소 원자(O)와 산소(O2)로 분해한다.

성층권은 중간 위도에서는 고도 10km에서 50 km 사이의 영역이며, 극지방에서는 보다 낮은 고도인 8 km 정도에서 시작하는 경우도 있다. 성층권은 아래로는 대류권을 접하며, 위쪽으로는 중간권을 접하고 있다.

성층권은 온도 변화 측면에서 대기의 한 층을 이루고 있다. 이는 태양으로부터의 자외선을 흡수함으로써 가열되기 때문이다. 성층권 내부에서, 온도는 고도가 상승함에 따라 올라간다. 성층권의 가장 높은 곳에서 온도는 대략 270 켈빈가량이며, 이는 지표면의 온도와 대략 유사하다. 성층권과 중간권이 만나는 성층권의 가장 높은 영역을 성층권계면이라고 하며, 이 이상으로 올라가면 온도는 다시 감소하기 시작한다. 성층권에서의 이러한 온도특성, 즉 따뜻한 공기가 위에 차가운 공기가 아래에 있는 특성으로 말미암아, 성층권은 열적으로 안정되어 있다. 즉 대류 및 난류가 존재하지 않는 것이다. 성층권에서의 열은 오존층이 태양의 자외선을 흡수함으로써 이루어진다. 성층권의 바닥부, 즉 대류권과의 경계면은 위쪽으로부터의 열 전도와, 아래쪽 대류권으로부터의 열 대류가 열적 평형을 이루는 곳이다. 그러므로 지표면 온도가 더 낮은 극지방에서는 보다 낮은 고도에서 성층권이 시작한다.

지구의 대기, 성층권(stratosphere)은 두 번째 부분

써니 2012-11-26 (월) 08:34
Khamsinkhamseenchamsin or hamsin (Arabicخمسين‎ khamsīn, "fifty"), more commonly known in Egypt as khamaseen(Egyptian Arabicخماسين khamasīnIPA: [xæmæˈsiːn]) refers to a dry, hot and dusty local wind blowing in North Africa and theArabian Peninsula. Similar winds in the area are sirocco and simoom. From the Arabic word for 'fifty', throughout the Levant, these dry, dust-filled windstorms often blow sporadically over fifty days, hence the name.

Causes and history

Khamsin can be triggered by depressions that move eastwards along the southern parts of the Mediterranean or along the North African coast from February to June.[1]

In Egypt, khamsin usually arrives in April but occasionally occur in March and May, carrying great quantities of sand and dust from the deserts, with a speed up to 140 kilometers per hour, and a rise of temperatures as much as 20°C in two hours.[2] It is believed to blow "at intervals for about 50 days",[3] although it rarely occurs "more than once a week and last for just a few hours at a time."[4] A 19th-century account of khamsin in Egypt goes:

These winds, though they seldom cause the thermometer of Fahrenheit to rise above 95° in Lower Egypt, or in Upper Egypt 105°, are dreadfully oppressive, even to the natives. When the plague visits Egypt, it is generally in the spring; and the disease is most severe in the period of the khamáseen.[5]

The same account relates that Muslims in Egypt "calculate the period of [khamaseen] ... to commence on the day immediately following the Coptic festival of Easter Sunday, and to terminate on the Day of Pentecost (or Whitsunday); an interval of forty-nine days."[6]

During Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign, the French soldiers had a hard time with khamsin: when the storm appeared "as a blood-stint in the distant sky", the natives went to take cover, while the French "did not react until it was too late, then choked and fainted in the blinding, suffocating walls of dust."[7] During the North African Campaign of the World War II, "allied and German troops were several times forced to halt in mid-battle because of sandstorms caused by khamsin ... Grains of sand whirled by the wind blinded the soldiers and created electrical disturbances that rendered compasses useless."[8]

In Israel, khamsin (Hebrewחמסין‎) is known more formally as sharav (שרב), and the Biblical term for khamsin is ruaḥ qadīm (רוח קדים) or "east wind". [9]

써니 2012-11-26 (월) 08:38
The Umbra is the spirit world, a shadow or reflection of the real world, in the old World of Darkness role-playing game setting. It is inhabited by spirits, gods, ghosts, and various other supernatural beings. The Umbra can broadly be thought of as all realms that exist beyond the mundane terrestrial existence of Earth. Rather than existing as a single universe, the Umbra embraces many and versions of reality, forming a multiverse of realms that operate by their own laws. Mages and werewolves refer to this multiverse as the Tellurian, and are the two populations most likely to travel to the Umbra. Other beings, such as wraiths, are permanent inhabitants and have considerable difficulty interacting with the day-to-day reality of Earth (hereafter simply referred to as 'reality' for brevity's sake).


There are three Umbra or Spirit Realms in the World of darkness. The Dark Umbra or land of the Dead, the Dream Umbra or Dreaming and the Spirit Umbra or true Umbra. When people say Umbra they usually mean the Spirit Umbra. This Umbra (in fact all three Umbra) is structured according to nearness or closeness to mundane Earth. However, this is more a matter of resemblance to Consensus reality than physical distance. The exception is Technological Videre where there is direct link between changing laws of surrounding conditions and distance from Earth surface.


Because the Umbra is especially mutable, beings with different outlooks experience radically different Umbrae. This disjunction was first identified by mages (who have the most diverse outlooks on the nature of reality), and they termed it videre. Importantly, videre is not simply a matter of perception. Rather it seems that different worldview and mental states bring people to different areas of Spirit Lands. Some videres are entirely incompatible with certain realms or regions of the Umbra. Few beings in the World of Darkness can visit every nook and cranny of the Umbra - most are locked out of at least part by their own preconceptions.

[edit]The Realm

This is mundane reality as common man perceives it. While it is contrasted with Umbra the Spirit World, it is not completely devoid of spiritual energies. Rather the advancement of rational paradigm (groomed by Technocracy) significantly reduced its amount while hardening the Gauntlet at the same time. However, Mystics fear that further successes of Technocracy will completely separate Tellurian into mundane Earth and inaccessible Umbra.

The terminology here is similar to that of "the Moon" that denotes the moon of Earth among several other moons. Similarly, some mystics theorize that the Realm of mundane Earth is just one of many realms of similar status. The others claim that the Realm is special as it is root of Tellurian from which all the worlds spring as its emanations.


The Periphery is a state in which Umbra seems to seep through the Gauntlet into otherwise mundane reality. At certain times and places the spirit world intermingles with the mundane one to form reality as it was at the beginning of time (as some mystics claim). There are clear signs of the Periphery, observable to even the common man: the world seems more vibrant and alive, and the spiritual side or (true nature) manifests. Also, where the Gauntlet is weakest, it is much easier to get from one to the other side of reality.

Peripheries exist primarily in places of great spiritual power: mages' Nodes, werewolves' Caerns, wraiths' Haunts, changelings' Freeholds, also Kuei-Jin Dragon nests. Invariably there is strong feel of spiritual power, even though Videre may be different. Other Peripheries are passing phenomena that occur at places of mediation between mundane and spiritual.


The barrier preventing the Umbra from interacting on a regular basis with reality is known as the Gauntlet, though it goes by other names as well (wraiths call it the ShroudKuei-jincall it the Wall, and Technocrats call it the Horizon). It is a sort of mystical barrier of strength depending on spiritual power of given area. The Gauntlet manifests as a sort of force or plastic wrap causing difficulty for those passing through.

The permeability of the Gauntlet is directly linked to how technological the area surrounding it is - in the wilderness it is loosely woven, and easier to traverse, whereas in a city, the weave is much finer, and it becomes increasingly difficult to cross, becoming almost impossible in areas of high technology (such as a science lab, or an automated production line).

The exact form and influence of the Gauntlet varies depending on the passing entity. Generally, spirits face great difficulty reaching physical reality and vice-versa: physical entities have trouble getting to the spiritual side. The difficulty of the passing of a physical object depends on the strength of the Gauntlet in that particular area, as well as the object's innate spiritual strength. Garou for instance can penetrate the Gauntlet at will, though an individual Garou without a high Gnosis rating will find it a very difficult feat to attempt. Most mundane things are fixed in the physical world for good, requiring very special circumstances to be carried into the spirit realms.


Immediately across the Gauntlet from reality is a domain that mirrors reality closely, called the Penumbra. It is possible to "see" physical reality from the Penumbra with some effort—Garou in particular possess the ability to do so naturally (an ability called "peeking"). Major landmarks such as large buildings, old trees, or topographic features have visible variants in the Penumbra. Each videre has its own version of the Penumbra, but these versions have some passing interaction due to their proximity to one another. Wraiths and Demons call the Penumbra the Shadowlands, while Kuei-jin call it the Mirror Lands. These Penumbrae are the starting points of the Four Worlds, the four aspects of the terrestrial Umbra.

[edit]Near Umbra

Broadly, the Near Umbra (the Umbra relatively close to Earth) can be divided into four subtypes, along lines roughly defined by the four videres:

  • The High Umbra or Astral Umbra corresponds to the astral plane, and is defined by abstract ideas.
  • The Middle Umbra is more akin to a shamanistic spirit world, and is dominated by primordial forces.
  • The Low Umbra is essentially the underworld and is the realm many (but not all) humans go to when they die.
  • The Near Universe is essentially deep space, and is home to various locations seemingly drawn from science fiction.


Not to be confused with the Technocracy's term for the Gauntlet, most beings in the World of Darkness use the term Horizon to describe a nearly-impermeable barrier that separates the Near Umbra from the Deep Umbra. It is sort of immune defence the Earth-rooted reality denizens project to protect it from (depending on videre) alien beings, spirits or memes.

This barrier requires considerable supernatural power and skill to breach and it is the anchorhead for a wide variety of realms known as Horizon Realms or Horizon Constructs. Recent events, including the formation of the Avatar Storm, have left many of these realms isolated or in ruins.

[edit]Deep Umbra

Strictly speaking, the Deep Umbra is the in-between that spans the space between planets. Difficult to survive in and home to beings entirely alien to human conception, this region is largely devoid of noteworthy locales. A few noteworthy locales are listed below:

  • Cerberus
  • Charybdis (see Shenti below)
  • Copernicus Research Center (also called the Cop)
  • Paradox Realms

[edit]Celestial bodies

Each planet seems tied to a particular aspect of reality, and manifests this association through a Shard Realm, an incomprehensible realm composed of a single aspect of reality (for example, The Shard Realm of Time, associated with the planet Saturn, is composed entirely of time). These create the almost-survivable Shade Realms along the Horizon, which are diluted forms the Shard Realms that can be survived with considerable skill and luck. Though spacially within the Near Umbra, the Shard Realms of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars remain beyond the Horizon.

[edit]The zones

In addition to the cosmology describe above, certain realms or regions defy conventional Umbral topology. They are called Zones and are unique, operating under their own rules.

[edit]The Shenti

The Shenti are regions representative of the three resonances (Dynamism, Stasis, and Entropy) and are arguably the homes of the Triat (the Wyld, the Weaver, and the Wyrm). The true hearts of the Shenti appear not to exist in any particular place, instead existing apart from the rest of the Tellurian and reaching out to touch many places.


A realm of constant creation and raw power, Flux appears to exist in many places at once. Its reflection in the Spiritual Umbra (also called Flux, as well as The Radiance) pulses with the energies of the Wyld. Pangaea is said to be touched by Flux, accounting for the realm's uncontrollable nature. Charybdis, a swirling vortex in the Deep Umbra, is said to absorb the detritus of the universe and 'recycle' it back into Flux. Given the Wyld's inconstant nature, however, concrete locations associated with Flux are few; more commonly, the energies of Flux pass over an area, causing rapid change and general chaos, then move on.


The home (some say prison) of the Wyrm is a realm assembled from the tatters of fallen bits of the Umbra, woven into a patchwork that defies both attempts to map and to tame it. Home to Nephandi, servitors of the Wyrm, and other noxious beings, Malfeas is a realm whose constant growth is the only way to overcome its constant internal disintegration. Malfeas is said to be related closely to the Labyrinth of the Tempest (some say they are one and the same), and the Wasteland is an extension of Malfeas that reaches into the Near Umbra. Malfeas also touches innumerable small blights and cesspools through the Umbra and many of the more unpleasant regions of the Astral Umbra, spreading discord and decay in its wake.

[edit]The Pattern Web and the Great Machine

The ubiquitous sign of the Weaver's influence, the Pattern Web refers to an apparently infinite network of threads composed of raw spirit-stuff and controlled by the Weaver. According to some, these webs are the scaffolding of reality, though their absence in some areas of the Umbra suggests that reality can exist without them. More likely, these webs are the Weaver's presence, defining and clarifying the Tellurian. Though primarily found in the Middle Umbra, the Pattern web appears to touch most parts of the Tellurian (including the Digital Web) as well as lead to some unknown central mass, believed to be the Weaver itself. Many theorize that this logical heart of the Pattern Web is the Shenti of Stasis, but this has never been proven as no mortal being has successfully reached the Web's center.

The Shenti of Stasis also manifests a powerful presence in the form of the Great Machine (called Autocthonia by the Technocracy), a massive technological structure that is in a constant state of self-improvement. While it seems unlikely that Autocthonia is the Weaver, it may be one of the Weaver's "Incarna" or avatars. Ironically, one of the Technocracy's most important Constructs may be inadvertently built into the hide of one of the fastest-growing spiritual beings known to exist.

[edit]The Bygone Umbra

Some realms and aspects of the Umbra no longer exist, or are no longer accessible in the same ways. The Gauntlet has historically grown stronger and thicker as civilization has developed into its modern form, and this has led to the Umbra being increasingly isolated from Earth. At the same time, parts of the Umbra have withdrawn into themselves, and can no longer be found. Whether this process occurs through artificial exclusion or natural withdrawal is unclear. Finally, some aspects of the Umbra, built artificially in the past, simply have not stood the test of time.


Changelings say that their home country is a place called Arcadia, a now unreachable place of pure dream deep within the Dreaming (Dream Umbra). Faeries, they assert, are the dreams of humanity made manifest, and Arcadia is the heart of those dreams. The facts, however, are difficult to determine (a) because changelings, by definition, are not 'true' faeries, but a sort of faerie/human hybrid adapted to dealing with the mortal world and (b) because Arcadia itself has been impossible to reach or even detect for a very long time (fae scholars mark the Black Plague as the first moments of the Shattering, the process by which Arcadia broke away from Earth's Dreaming).

[edit]Mount Qaf and the Web of Faith

Considered by many mages to be the key to winning the Ascension War, Mount Qaf was the so-called Correspondence Point allowing access to all parts of the Tellurian, the perfect junction point for the flow of information, travellers, and power. The Ahl-i-batin are credited with discovering it, and used it as the architectural keystone for the Web of Faith, a network through which information was transmitted at enormous speed during a period spanning the eighth century to the thirteenth century. The Web of Faith itself collapsed as a result of infighting, crusades, and the weakening of magical places of power, but its foundations remained, discovered by the Difference Engineers in the 1950s, thanks to whom it became the Digital Web. Access to Mount Qaf itself was lost at roughly the same time, but the Digital Web appears to continue to take advantage of its unique properties.

[edit]The Paths of the Wyck

For thousands of years, spiritual travel wore trails through the Periphery. This so-called Paths of the Wyck behaved in a manner similar to the trods still found in the Dreaming, but allowed even mundane humans to "walk" into the Umbra, sometimes by accident. Such paths figure prominently in mythology (examples including Orpheus' trip into the Underworld and Rip van Winkle's apparent stroll into a fae celebration). These paths began to fold in on themselves, either due to the reinforcement of the Gauntlet or the spread of banality, the force of disbelief that also harms changelings. Today, while a small number of other paths that lead into the Umbra remain open, the Paths of the Wyck themselves are gone forever.

[edit]The Dark Umbra

The dark or Low Umbra is the land of the Dead and is constructed in much the same way as the Spirit Umbra. It has the Shadowlands (the location closest to our world where things are almost seen as we see them, except with a veneer of entropy), the Tempest (a sea through which navigation is dangerous and under which can be found the Labyrinth and the kingdoms of Oblivion) and the Far dark Umbra where the Dark Kingdoms reside, where the far shores are and where Wraiths with no fetter or connection to earth are stuck.

[edit]The Dark Kingdom of Obsidian

In ages past, when mankind as a whole did not journey to other continents, each region of the world had an associated domain in the Tempest. The Americas, particularly South America, had an underworld as rich and complex as that of the living. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, this empire seemed in ascendance as its ranks were flooded with the angry dead, prey to disease and war brought from Europe. The "Third Maelstrom," which had just come to a close, left the Shadowlands relatively free from obstruction, and European renegades revolting against Stygia fled en masse to the Dark Kingdom of Obsidian, only to discover that its afterlife was as enraged as its living counterpart was decimated. The resulting war saw great atrocities, the most significant of which involved causing the enemy capital city to be swallowed by a massive Nihil, drawing into the Labyrinth. Though scattered pockets of the Obsidian Empire remain, the bulk of that wraithly race was destroyed, leaving the territory vulnerable to invasion by Stygia.


While the Umbra plays a role in nearly every setting within the World of Darkness, most settings only engage with a very limited slice of it. This colors not only their impressions of the Umbra and its role, but often defines the extent of the Umbra that they know exists.

[edit]Vampire: The Masquerade

Vampires, in general, know little or nothing about the Umbra. Many vampires believe in spirits or the afterlife, but for most this is a matter of faith and hearsay rather than experience. Two notable exceptions exist: the Tremere clan and the Giovanni clan. Having their roots among mages, the Tremere are aware of the spirit world (if only loosely), but still interact with it quite infrequently. The Giovanni interact exclusively with the Shadowlands, but know a great deal about wraiths and the Shadowlands, as well as having some inkling of the Tempest as well. These clans experience the Umbra either through the astral videre or the mortific videre, respectively. Even these informed few virtually never travel to the Umbra, and are unaware of its apparently endless diversity.

[edit]Werewolf: The Apocalypse

Werewolves and other shapeshifters have had the richest history of interaction with the Umbra of any terrestrial beings in the World of Darkness (due to their spiritual nature and their alliances with the forces of the spirit world), but their interactions are almost exclusively limited to the Spiritual Umbra and the Shenti. While generally only vaguely aware of the Astral Umbra, the Tempest, and the Deep Umbra (and totally ignorant of the Near Universe), shapeshifters know the Spiritual Umbra better than anyone else, and many treat it like a second home. A tribe of werewolves called Glass Walkers are aware of the Digital Web, another tribe called the Fianna are familiar with the Dreaming, and the Ananasi werespiders are quite familiar with the Pattern Web. Other tribes such as the Silent Striders and breeds such as the Nuwisha (werecoyotes) travel widely in the Umbra, but are not known to specialize in their attentions. Shapeshifters not only experience the Spiritual videre, they virtually define its nature. Nuwishas in particular travel to the deep umbra looking for a new Earth.

[edit]Mage: The Ascension

Mages have the most diverse views on the Umbra, due to having all four videres represented among their ranks. Whether an individual mage associates with the Umbra depends on what avenues of magic are pursued or (barring that) with whom the mage is aligned. Most mages of some experience have at least visited the Umbra (possibly with a guide capable of the appropriate magic). Quite a few mages are born and die in the Umbra, living in or among its realms. Overall, mages usually experience the Umbra through a mild astral videre. Some with shamanistic paradigms experience the spiritual videre, while Technocrats and other technomancers often are restricted to the technological videre. The Euthanatos are the most likely to have a mortific videre, as are Nephandi. A mage's experience of the Umbra is defined primarily by their videre, as a mage's ability to shape reality makes videre especially potent.

[edit]Wraith: The Oblivion

Wraiths are the masters, citizens, and victims of the Tempest. Their familiarity with its workings exceeds even the shapeshifter mastery of the spiritual Umbra. Unlike shapeshifters, the mortific videre of wraiths is so powerful that they are unlikely to even be able to leave the Low Umbra. For wraiths, everything boils down to a simple dichotomy: alive or dead. The very idea of a limitless spiritual tapestry is beyond the average wraith's worldview. Only, the Sandmen are able to normally visit the Dream (middle umbra).

[edit]Changeling: The Dreaming

As the name of their game line suggests, Changelings know more about the Dreaming than the rest of the World of Darkness does. This actually doesn't mean a whole lot, however, as Arcadia is now long gone. In truth, while the fae have a better handle on the Dreaming than anyone else, they still only have a passing understanding of the place (unsurprisingly, given the speed at which it changes). They are entirely unaware of the more traditional Umbra.

[edit]Hunter: The Reckoning

There is no indication in any of the rule books that the Hunters are aware of the existence of the Umbra.

[edit]Kindred of the East

As former wraiths with their feet grounded in reality, Kindred of the East have a solid understanding of the basics of the Umbra. Though many simply chose not to interact with the spirit world, no Kuei-jin can forget their experiences in Yomi, and most must acquaint themselves with their spiritual natures as part of their hard path to enlightenment.

[edit]Demon: The Fallen

It appears that most Demons are unaware or only vaguely aware of the Umbra's existence in its current state. Information provided in the Players Guide points to the possibility that the Demons actually created what would become the Dark Umbra, but there are no indications that the Demons have knowledge of the Umbra in its current state. The possible exception to this are the Slayers. The Slayers have the capacity to enter the Shadowlands, and are also able to create gateways that allow others to pass into or out of the Shadowlands with ease. It is unknown how, or even if, the Demons' prison (Hell) is connected to the Umbra. However, even the most insane of beings to wander the Umbra would not WANT to visit Hell.

써니 2012-11-26 (월) 08:41

북회귀선(北回歸線, 영어: Tropic of Cancer)은 태양이 머리 위 천정을 지나는 가장 북쪽 지점을 잇는 위선이다. 매년 북반구의 여름 하지 때 태양이 머리 위를 지나며, 하지선(夏至線)이라고도 한다.

2011년을 기준으로, 북회귀선은 북위 23° 26′ 16″(23.4378°)을 지난다.[1] 북회귀선의 위치는 고정되어 있지 않고, 지구 자전축 기울기의 변화에 따라 40,000년 주기로 2°가량 변한다[2]. 현재는 1년에 약 15m 가량의 속도로 남쪽으로 움직이고 있다.

남회귀선(南回歸線, 영어: Tropic of Capricorn)은 태양이 머리 위 천정을 지나는 가장 남쪽 지점을 잇는 위선이다. 매년 북반구의 겨울 동지 때 태양이 머리 위를 지나며, 동지선(冬至線)이라고도 한다.

2011년을 기준으로, 남회귀선은 남위 23° 26′ 16″(23.4378°)을 지난다.[1] 남회귀선의 위치는 고정되어 있지 않고, 지구 자전축 기울기의 변화에 따라 40,000년 주기로 2°가량 변한다[2]. 현재는 1년에 약 15m 가량의 속도로 북쪽으로 움직이고 있다.

써니 2012-11-26 (월) 08:45
Pietro de' Crescenzi (or Pier Crescenzi)[1][2] (ca. 1230/35-ca. 1320) was an Italian jurist from Bologna, now known as a writer on agriculture.[3] Educated at the University of Bologna in logic, medicine, the natural sciences and law, Crescenzi practiced as a lawyer and judge from about 1269 until 1299. After retiring to his villa, the Villa Olmo outside the walls of Bologna, he wrote an agricultural treatise based largely on classical and medieval sources, as well as his own experience as a landowner.

His work Liber ruralium commodorum (The Book of Rural Benefits) was completed some time between 1304 and 1309, and was dedicated to Charles II of Naples.[4] King Charles V of France ordered a French translation in 1373. After circulating in numerous manuscript copies, Crescenzi's treatise became the first printed modern text on agriculture when it was published in Augsburg by Johann Schüssler in 1471.[5] Some 57 editions in Latin, Italian, French, and German appeared during the following century.[6].

Part of the Crescenzi calendar.

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3104  반편마당 +7 bubza 01-03 1258
3103  윔블던 테니스 경기 +1 써니 07-07 1257
3102  송구영신 테니슨 <추억 106장>. 계관시인으로 뽑히게 된 시 +2 이태백 12-23 1256
3101  Sailing to Byzantium +1 써니 02-12 1254
3100  구린내 꼬릿꼬릿 좃또 치즈 피자와 녹두빈대떡 +3 이태백 03-21 1253
3099  성찰 없는 한국인. 함석헌옹의 재평가 이태백 09-15 1252
3098  신생 한자 공부 +3 borabora 05-21 1248
3097  Route 66 써니 11-17 1246
3096  신제국주의화(化) 시진핑. 이 化자도 모르고 춘추필법이라는 한국일보 이태백 07-13 1244
3095  비논리적 민주주의 아킬레스건. 다수의 조개껍질(도편) 추방의 오류 이태백 06-30 1243
3094  세종대왕의 유감동 창녀 판결주문 dkp 04-18 1241
3093  우파 유튜버 써니 10-29 1241
3092  부고 +8 wind 09-09 1239
3091  야설: 이사가버린 베이비 스냇처 이태백 08-10 1238
3090  야생 마코 앵무와 먹튀인생 수명 +1 이태백 05-26 1238
3089  소동파. 제갈량 적벽대전지(232년 8월 5일) 답사(1082년 8월 15일) +3 이태백 10-15 1235
3088  왕소군. 깨진 시루. 돌아다 보면 뭐하나? 이태백 08-13 1234
3087  나치캠프 기원. 아우슈비츠, 트레블린카, 테레진 이태백 06-24 1233
3086  섹스에 피 나와도 쾌감뿐 아픔은 없다. 이태백 07-31 1232
3085  조신의 꿈 +21 wind 10-11 1232
3084  월드컵 축구예선이 아쉽다. 써니 06-28 1231
3083  대화를 뚝뚝 끊는 아싸들의 화법 써니 02-25 1229
3082  호색한, 색정증 여인의 죽음 +1 이태백 03-29 1226
3081  나비야 청산 가자. 범나비 너도 가자. 2사람 한역 이태백 01-27 1222
3080  뙤약볕 하루만에 시들은 치자꽃, 백합꽃 단상 +2 이태백 06-12 1219
3079  (펌) 물리학 꿈 이룬 강봉수 前 서울지법원장 +1 써니 05-28 1219
3078  토요타를 은이라면 공진단, 당간신구, 고베 주얼매트는 똥이다. +2 이태백 09-17 1212
3077  잭 웰치 한국일보 김정수 칼럼 +15 wind 10-02 1211
3076  손녀가 키우는 개구리. 필사적으로 기어 오름 이태백 07-12 1209
3075  실수로 시스템이 잠시 다운됬엇습니다. +2 써니 08-04 1209
3074  귓속에서 '털' 자라면 +1 써니 12-18 1209
3073  고유한 우리말이 욕이냐? dkp 09-14 1208
3072  덕(德)이란 글자 +6 이태백 04-30 1202
3071  이천시비년이백삼시비릴째파뤌시파릴 dkp 08-14 1201
3070  눈 맞아 새끼배는 되강오리, 농병아리 모(眸) 이태백 09-14 1201
3069  시시네스파시피퍼. 에피메니데스 역설은 궤변 +2 이태백 08-05 1200
3068  이리와 안아보자-조이스 율리시스. 이태백 09-26 1199
3067  인생의 함정, 근친결혼 공동(空洞) dkp 05-17 1196
3066  달기(妲己)의 복수심. 망국에도 요염. 이태백 09-10 1196
처음  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  다음  맨끝
